The Big Data for Discovery Science Center (BDDS) - comprised of leading experts in biomedical imaging, genetics, proteomics, and computer science - is taking an "-ome to home" approach toward streamlining big data management, aggregation, manipulation, integration, and the modeling of biological systems across spatial and temporal scales.

Explore ABIDE data using DERIVA

The DERIVA platform manages digital assets including image files, results files from image analysis, files of clinical, demographic and other non-image phenotypes, and enables interactive exploration of available data to allow researchers to query the data archive so as to extract data sets required for the target analyses. Resulting data sets were exchanged between analytic tools using BDBag, which tracks data provenance, ensures data integrity, and streamlines the transfer of very large data sets. Additional information about the ABIDE instance of the DERIVA platform is available from here


  1. Open the ABIDE data explorer page
  2. Click the buttons on the right panel to select attributes to filter the data set. For example, click ‘Gender’ to select only ‘male’ subjects.
  3. Repeat step 2 until the data set is filtered with all required attributes.
  4. On top of the catalog, set the ‘Download’ data type to ‘BAG’, and click the ‘Download’ to download the data bag.
  5. .csv files containing neuroimaging metrics from FreeSurfer processing (e.g. cortical thickness, surface area and volume) and non-image phenotypes (e.g. demographics and clinical records) are saved in the ‘data’ folder in the downloaded data bag.
  6. Once downloaded, the data can be accessed from the ‘R’ programming language and environment to perform Machine Learning on ABIDE cohort for Autism diagnosis.